We’re FW and we craft engaging films and videos that create meaningful and honest connections.
Maybe you have a complex product or service that needs a clear explanation? Maybe you’re planning a hybrid event, live and online, and require a complete camera and streaming solution? You might be a marketing agency looking for a seasoned production partner, with studio facilities for hire?
Or perhaps you’d simply like to surprise and delight your audience. We’ve found that everyone has a story to tell.
For nearly two decades we’ve helped lovely clients deliver amazing projects - working across finance, technology, fashion, recruitment and more - making friends as we go.
Culturally we operate on four key values. We hold ourselves to a high ethical standard and believe in doing our bit to help protect the environment.
We share our years of experience and insight with our partners, and use our expertise to help the communities and people around us.
Get to know team FW, and see what motivates us.
Let’s work together.